Not unique shaping, and passionate movement, Ultimate Sackboy is also easy, simple to control, and does not cause interference or confusion with buttons when playing. Sackboy’s actions and all other characters in this game are so extremely active, bringing comfort and laughter to the player. By vivid shaping, flexible Craftworld characters, both gained the softness of the cotton wool, and have just gained the toned movement of a heroic warrior. Leaving the world of actual racing simulation, Ultimate Sackboy is the race of the characters coming out from the Sackboy world, with an unmistakable classic cartoon style. How is Ultimate Sackboy different from many other cartoon racing games? The ultimate goal is the same: first to the destination, winning the attractive prize, and opening many new and more speedy missions.

With Sackboy and his close friends coming out of the original game series, you can avoid, and creep over all the typical enemies on the track. And after officially released, indeed Ultimate Sackboy did not betray the player when successfully building a world of intense racing in Craftworld. Ultimate Sackboy since not launched has made many people uneasy because of her dreamy hero. Now it is possible to try a mobile game that also uses this character as the main element that creates countless racing races to overcome obstacles at a crazy speed.

You have long spent a special love for the unique cute hero icon Sackboy in the series with the same name. Race, and adventure with lovely Sackboy! What’s in Ultimate Sackboy?

It was only possible to play this game on PlayStation. Sackboy is the exclusive game brand of Sony Interactive Entertainment on PlayStation systems.